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Pelvic Floor Clinic in London

Experience specialised pelvic floor rehabilitation at London Pregnancy Clinic, led by our expert midwife osteopath.

London Pregnancy Clinic - Private midwife antenatal care

Private Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Specialists

The pelvic floor, or pelvic diaphragm, is a crucial group of muscles, ligaments, and fascia extending from the pubic bone to the coccyx. It supports essential pelvic organs such as the bladder, rectum, and uterus, contributing to the stability of the hips and pelvis. A strong pelvic floor is vital for controlling the release of urine, faeces, and wind, helping prevent incontinence and facilitating smoother childbirth by stretching to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal.

Beyond these essential functions, a well-maintained pelvic floor can enhance sexual health by increasing sensation and orgasm. Pelvic floor rehabilitation, through targeted exercises and therapies, can improve muscle strength and coordination, leading to better support for pelvic organs and improved control over bodily functions. This holistic approach not only aids in recovery post-childbirth or surgery but also enhances overall quality of life by promoting pelvic stability and function.

Private Pelvic Health Specialists in London

The best private midwife antenatal care services in London

Pelvic Floor: how can we help…

Our tailored programme focuses on strengthening and restoring pelvic floor function, essential for preventing incontinence, enhancing postpartum recovery, and improving sexual health. Trust our specialist team to provide personalised care and effective treatments to support your pelvic health journey.

Choose London Pregnancy Clinic for your Pelvic Cloor Rehabilitation

  • Consultations with midwives nearing 15 years of experience and expertise in individualised maternity care.

  • Tailored Pelvic Floor Rehab Programme, led by a Midwife – Osteopath

  • Pelvic floor specialist: incontinence, dyspareunia, pelvic organ prolapse

  • Osteopathy services: to support you, prevent and treat any discomfort with the physical and hormonal changes

  • Acupuncture as a complementary therapy for common pregnancy-related and women’s health conditions.

  • Appointments available online (Zoom/Telephone), face-to-face or home visits.

  • Same day (phone/online) and weekend appointments.

  • 5* rated service on Google, Trustpilot & Doctify

  • We work with insurance companies – please get in touch to enquire.

Why Is Pelvic Floor Health Important?

Many women experience significant changes in pelvic health following pregnancy, childbirth, and during perimenopause or menopause. Approximately 10% of all women face pelvic issues such as leakage, stress incontinence, prolapse, or imbalances in pelvic floor muscle strength. These issues can profoundly impact daily life and overall well-being.

Research indicates that 1 in 3 women will experience pelvic health issues at some stage in their lives. Notably, around 1 in 3 women report urinary leakage three months postpartum, and 1 in 5 women experience accidental bowel leakage one year after giving birth. Additionally, 1 in 12 women report symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse, highlighting the prevalence of these conditions.

The most common pelvic health problems include stress urinary incontinence, which involves leaking during exercise, sneezing, or coughing, and urge incontinence, where there is an urgent need to reach the toilet. Other prevalent issues include pelvic organ prolapse, characterised by a heavy sensation or bulge in the vagina, and dyspareunia, which involves painful intercourse. At London Pregnancy Clinic, our specialist midwife osteopath offers tailored pelvic floor rehabilitation programmes designed to address these concerns and restore optimal pelvic health.

Evidence-based Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Postpartum

Evidence-based maternity care with LPC midwifery services

Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions answered

What is the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and tissues that form a sling or hammock across the pelvis, supporting the bladder, intestines, and, in women, the uterus. These muscles play a crucial role in maintaining continence, supporting pelvic organs, and contributing to sexual function.

A well-functioning pelvic floor is essential for bladder and bowel control, sexual health, and overall core stability. Dysfunction in these muscles can lead to issues such as incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and sexual dysfunction, highlighting the importance of maintaining pelvic floor health through exercises and lifestyle adjustments.

What are common symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction?

Pelvic floor dysfunction can manifest through a variety of symptoms including urinary incontinence, faecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and chronic pelvic pain. Women may also experience pain during intercourse and difficulty emptying the bladder or bowels completely.

These symptoms can significantly impact quality of life, making it essential to seek medical advice if they occur. Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage and alleviate these symptoms, improving overall health and well-being.

How can I strengthen my pelvic floor muscles?

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can be achieved through specific exercises known as Kegel exercises. These involve repeatedly contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, which can help improve muscle tone and function.

In addition to Kegel exercises, incorporating core strengthening activities such as Pilates and yoga can support overall pelvic floor health. Consulting with a physiotherapist specialising in pelvic health can provide personalised guidance and ensure exercises are performed correctly.

What causes pelvic floor dysfunction?

Pelvic floor dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors including childbirth, aging, obesity, chronic coughing, heavy lifting, and certain surgeries. Hormonal changes during menopause can also weaken the pelvic floor muscles.

Identifying the underlying causes is crucial for effective treatment. Preventative measures, such as maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding excessive straining during bowel movements, and practising regular pelvic floor exercises, can help reduce the risk of developing pelvic floor issues.

How is pelvic floor dysfunction diagnosed?

Diagnosis of pelvic floor dysfunction typically involves a thorough medical history, physical examination, and possibly diagnostic tests such as ultrasound, MRI, or urodynamic studies. A healthcare provider may also assess pelvic muscle strength and coordination through a pelvic exam.

Early diagnosis is key to managing pelvic floor dysfunction effectively. If you experience symptoms such as incontinence or pelvic pain, it is important to seek medical advice promptly to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

What treatments are available for pelvic floor dysfunction?

Treatment options for pelvic floor dysfunction vary depending on the severity and underlying cause. Common treatments include pelvic floor exercises, physiotherapy, biofeedback, and lifestyle modifications. In some cases, medications or surgical interventions may be necessary.

A multidisciplinary approach, often involving physiotherapists, urologists, gynaecologists, and other specialists, can provide comprehensive care. Tailored treatment plans can significantly improve symptoms and enhance quality of life.

Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?

Acupuncture is widely recognised as a safe practice during pregnancy when conducted by a qualified practitioner like our lead midwife Sarah. She has a decade of experience in acupuncture after she expanded her expertise to include Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in 2014. 

Before beginning acupuncture or any new treatment during pregnancy, consulting with your healthcare provider is essential. This step ensures that the treatment aligns with your personal health needs and pregnancy journey.

Benefits and Safety

  • Safety: Acupuncture, under the care of a certified professional, minimises risks, typically limited to minor ones such as bleeding or bruising at the needle sites.
  • Benefits: Research supports acupuncture for various pregnancy-related conditions, including aiding in birth preparation, alleviating musculoskeletal pain, and assisting in the management of breech presentations.

At London Pregnancy Clinic, we’re committed to offering safe, supportive, and beneficial care tailored to your unique needs during this special time. Sarah’s expertise in acupuncture is part of our holistic approach to your prenatal care, supporting your physical and emotional wellbeing throughout pregnancy.

Are pelvic floor exercises effective for everyone?

Pelvic floor exercises are effective for many individuals, but their success can depend on factors such as the severity of dysfunction, adherence to the exercise regimen, and proper technique. Consulting with a healthcare provider can ensure that exercises are performed correctly and are suitable for your specific condition.

Regular practice of pelvic floor exercises can lead to noticeable improvements in muscle strength and function over time. Consistency and correct technique are key to achieving the best results from these exercises.

How often should I do pelvic floor exercises?

It is generally recommended to perform pelvic floor exercises several times a day, with each session consisting of multiple repetitions of both short and long contractions. Starting with a manageable number of repetitions and gradually increasing can help build strength without causing strain.

Consulting with a physiotherapist can provide a personalised exercise plan, including the frequency and intensity of exercises. Regular practice and integrating these exercises into daily routines can help maintain pelvic floor health.

Can lifestyle changes improve pelvic floor health?

Yes, lifestyle changes can significantly impact pelvic floor health. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a high-fibre diet to prevent constipation, staying hydrated, and avoiding heavy lifting can all help support pelvic floor function.

Incorporating regular physical activity and quitting smoking can also contribute to overall pelvic health. Making these lifestyle adjustments, along with practising pelvic floor exercises, can enhance muscle strength and reduce the risk of dysfunction.

When should I see a doctor about pelvic floor issues?

It is advisable to see a doctor if you experience symptoms such as persistent urinary or faecal incontinence, pelvic pain, or a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area. Early consultation can help diagnose the issue and initiate appropriate treatment.

Seeking medical advice promptly can prevent symptoms from worsening and improve treatment outcomes. A healthcare provider can offer a comprehensive evaluation and recommend the best course of action to manage pelvic floor dysfunction effectively.

Do you want to know more about Pelvic Floor Rehab?

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